FinAtoZ Blog

Entries for category "Financial Planning"

Retirement Planning - Delay is costly!


Gone are the days when your son was your retirement plan. In today's world one needs to have sufficient funds to live off his retirement years without being dependent in anyone.

In this context saving regularly while you are working is very very important. However, it is equally important to start saving at an early age. Just 5 year delay in savings is likely to increase your monthly saving requirement by a whopping 90%!

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How to retire early?

How to retire at 55?

With high work related stress and dynamic nature of jobs, more and more working professionals are looking to secure their financial independence at an early age. Early Retirement is no more a fad but a fundamental need of the new generation. Follow this step by step approach to retire early....

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Retirement planning-where to invest?

Where to invest- Retirement Planning ?

One of the best ways to plan for retirement is to invest in financial products at a very early age.

However, with so many retirement product available it is very difficult to make the right investment choice. Here's a break-down of some of the more popular retirement products  and our recommendations on what could be beneficial for your retirement planning.

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