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Entries for category "Market Updates"

Monthly FTM Update - Jan, 2017


Last three months saw unprecedented changes on the domestic front. On 9th Nov, an average Indian woke up to suddenly realize that the currency that he holds is no longer valid. Repercussions (both positive and negative) from this mammoth change are yet to be seen. It might take a substantially long time before we get close to the real impact of this move.

Meanwhile, the focus has shifted on the …

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Monthly FTM Update - Dec, 2016


To everyone’s surprise, RBI’s new monetary policy committee kept interest rates unchanged at 6.25% despite wide expectations of rate cut. It also lowered the GDP growth estimate to 7.1% from the earlier projection of 7.6%. This move is to keep inflation in check. The RBI cited the dollar’s surge and the increase in the prices of oil and commodities as two factors that could increase global volatility.

While on the …

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Monthly FTM Update - Nov, 2016


Nov, 2016 will go down in the history of Indian financial markets as a month of induced financial shock. Narendra Modi’s bold and painful shock therapy has cut a deep wound in the psyche of one and all. It will surely have a much higher impact on people / institutions that used to deal in transactions that were unaccounted for. Whether this move will clean our country of black money …

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Monthly FTM Update - Oct, 2016


This month FTM gave a complete sell signal from Equities. As a result we have reduced your equity exposure to near zero in the Growth-FTM portfolio. Our decision to move a major part of your portfolio into equities during Jan-Mar of this year gave us handsome returns. As a result, your investments have grown by more than 20% annualized so far. However, this relentless market move since last six months …

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Monthly FTM Update - Aug-Sep, 2016


With Fed holding rate increase in the USA, global liquidity will continue to chase stock markets in the Emerging Markets. As a result Indian stock markets may continue its upward journey for the time being.

However, fundamental on the ground data continues to be mediocre. One of the matters of concern with the macros is the contraction of IIP data which is mainly because of decline in manufacturing & capital …

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